
In ancient Egypt, engineers recorded their calculations and designs on clay tablets. From the earliest civilizations to modern times, the practice of taking, organizing, and using notes has evolved alongside engineering itself.

Today, the engineer's notebook has largely transitioned from physical to digital formats. Engineering design and calculations have transfered from manual pen-and-paper methods to the use of spreadsheets, specialized software, and advanced tools.

We are at the forefront of digitalizing engineering design and calculations, with a focus on the oil and gas industry. By integrating engineering standardization, automation, industry experience, and cloud computing, we are bringing Engineering Intelligence (EI) into the digital age.

Although the tools have transformed, our mission remains unchanged: to deliver the most efficient engineering solutions - with the highest quality, reduced costs, and accelerated project timelines.

With our digital tools, you can access engineering expertise and intelligence anywhere, anytime. If you're curious about the advantages of engineering digitalization, please take a look at an example, sign up now to try a calculation module to see it action, or contact us for more information.

Engineering Intelligence is in your hands.