

The calculation modules are developed to perform a range of design and analysis tasks efficiently. The scope, methods, and procedures for each module are detailed in their respective documentation. These modules utilize equations and formulas from industry standards and codes, project experience, and the best industry practices. Below is a summary of the documentation for the available calculation modules on the platform [1Q 2025].

  • Subsea Pipelines
    • Pipe Sizing: Size the pipe to resist internal and external pressure loads
    • On-Bottom Stability: Assess the stability of the pipeline on the seabed
    • Free Spanning: Evaluate the risk of free spanning
  • Risers
    • Riser Sizing: Size the riser to withstand the inernal or external overpressure
    • Riser Configuration: Determine the riser length and configuration
    • SCR Design: An integrated design, installation, and cost assessment of Steel Catenary Riser (SCR)
    • SLWR Design: An integrated design, installation, and cost assessment of of Steel Lazy Wave Riser (SLWR)
  • Erosion
    • Erosion Velocity: Estimate if the erosion may occur per API code
    • Emperical Erosion Models: Estimate sand particle erosion per DNV code
  • Corrosion
    • deWaard 1991 Model: Predict CO2 corrosion rate in wet natural gas pipelines
    • deWaard 1995 Model: Predict CO2 corrosion rate by fitting experimental data (semi-empirical model)
    • Norsok Model: Predict CO2 corrosion rate under varying conditions (empirical model)
  • Coatings
    • Insulation Coating: Design 5LPP/5LPE thermal insulation coating system

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